ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Communication with Stakeholders

From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
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Risk communication with stakeholders and owners is important in order to be successful. Risk communication and stakeholder participation should ensure that (1) responsible and affected stakeholders will be partners and be afforded the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect them and (2) communications regarding potential inundation hazard, consequences, and shared solutions will be open, transparent, and understandable."[1]

"There may be multiple levels of stakeholders that will be impacted by risks at a given dam or that could be impacted by the risk at another dam upstream or downstream of the given dam. Impacts may be related to new or updated risk estimates at a given dam or may be related to a change in operations (or expected releases for a given magnitude flood). These potential impacts may need to be shared with dam or facility operators, owners, or the regulators who oversee the facilities."[1]

"Local emergency management authorities are key stakeholders in dam risk management. Effective communication of dam risks with emergency management authorities responsible for responses and evacuation actions is essential. Effective risk communication should provide timely and best available information to facilitate the development of response plans and risk mitigation strategies.” [1]

Best Practices Resources

Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety Risk Management (FEMA P-1025), FEMA

A Guide to Public Alerts and Warnings for Dam and Levee Emergencies (EP 1110-2-17), USACE

Dam and Levee Safety: Using Risk-Informed Decision Making, USACE


On-Demand Webinar: Risk Communication for Dams

On-Demand Webinar: How to Communicate Effectively in Any Situation


Revision ID: 7154
Revision Date: 07/11/2023