ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

On-Demand Webinar: Dam Overtopping Protection Systems Part 2

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Association of State Dam Safety Officials, 2019

This is the second of a two-part series on overtopping protection systems for embankment and concrete dams. Many dams today have insufficient spillway capacity and may be overtopped during large floods below the regulatory requirement. In recent years, dam overtopping protection has become increasingly popular as a means to provide additional flood release capacity when more conventional methods such as increasing spillway discharge capacity or reservoir storage are cost prohibitive or impractical. This course will present the process of evaluating protections systems for use in spillway applications. A summary of determining appropriate project hydraulic conditions will be followed by a brief history of prototype research conducted on multiple types of protecting technologies. Results of these tests will be presented in support of design methodologies where new methods for determining project FOS and numerically evaluating hydraulic jump system performance will be recommended. Procedures outlined in NRCS NEH Part 628 Chapter 54, “Articulated Concrete Block Armored Spillways” will be presented in an effort to show a standardized evaluation approach whereby permitting evaluation of multiple protection system technologies. The presentation will conclude with an example of a design application.

Key Take-aways:

  • Understanding of important spillway analysis techniques and design parameters.
  • Familiarization with prototype testing protocols for steep slope applications.
  • Necessity of selecting the appropriate design method.
  • Ability to evaluate project requirements across multiple protection techniques.
  • Guidelines for submittal requirements necessary for alternative analysis.

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Speaker(s): Christopher Thornton

Revision ID: 2311
Revision Date: 08/19/2022