ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

On-Demand Webinar: Introduction to Physical Modeling of Spillways for Dams

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Association of State Dam Safety Officials, 2012

Physical models have been used as part of the design process for spillways and other hydraulic structures for centuries. Their use has proven to be extremely effective for validating hydraulic design schemes for new and rehabilitated spillways, for the discovery of hydraulic design problems that previously had not been expected, and in reducing construction costs. Physical modeling is also important for public relations, for reducing risk, and improving public safety. In recent years, the integrated use of physical modeling performed in conjunction with numerical modeling has become commonplace (aka composite modeling). Webinar examples will illustrate hydraulic problems that were successfully solved using a physical model that may have been missed if a physical model was not utilized. This webinar will cover the “how” and “why” of physical modeling, model similitude, physical modeling measurements, model validation, the downside to physical modeling, and specific benefits of physical modeling.

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Speaker(s): Steven L. Barfuss

Revision ID: 2219
Revision Date: 08/18/2022